Stellar Radiance, an extraordinary NFT from the Cosmic Canvas collection, exclusively curated by modARTCollection, encapsulates the ethereal beauty of the...
Category - Fashion
In a significant technological stride, Apple is reportedly reigniting discussions with AI titan OpenAI to integrate advanced artificial intelligence features...
As an expert economist, I am fascinated by the transformative potential of blockchain technology, particularly in the realm of asset tokenization. Asset...
Apple unveiled its long-awaited mixed reality goggles at WWDC 2023’s “one more thing” segment. Named the Vision Pro, this new device that...
This week, Google that it has stopped selling Google Glass Enterprise Edition, marking another end-of-life for the Glass product that was originally...
How NFTs are Poised to Bring a Myriad of Opportunities With a market value of over $1.55 trillion, the global fashion industry is not only one of the biggest...
mOpen Finance
mOpen Finance
Robyn Conti, John Schmidt
Contributor, Editor
By Fabienne Lang