Many of the protein shapes are from organisms that are completely unknown to science. A MEK1 or mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 1 (rabbit)...
Category - Science
The artworks above were made with the same algorithm It calls modKitten you can find information about the modKitten Released under a Creative ML OpenRAIL-M...
‘Ethereum Merge’ could cut the network’s energy usage by as much as 99.5%. Ethereum is about to switch blockchain verification systems from...
Michelle Cyca
June 30, 2022 @hootsuite
mOpen Finance
With temperatures on the rise and heatwaves pounding the United Arab Emirates, it will try almost anything to cool things down. Anything, like using drones to...
Nikita Duggal
Turkey announced the program during a live televised event laced with special effects. Turkish President speaking in Ankara, Turkey, on Feb. 9. Photo: Ali...